Racial overview

In going over the races of the world of Davric, there are some general guidelines in the write ups.


Each race is given a primary focus of their culture and class.  These are general guidelines, not straightjackets.  Nothing prevents a gnome cleric, or a halfling wizard.  The cultures reflect the traditions.  Halfling wizards may exist, but any halfling founded wizard academy is going to likely be founded by a player's character, for example.

The Traditions are:

  • Arcane: Generally this includes all arcane casting classes. More specifically it means classes that prepare spells, and use spellbooks.
  • Divine: Followers of gods or philosophies.  Ancestor worship would also fall under this.
  • Martial: Traditions of weapons and combat prowess, whether it be the traditions of the dwarven navy, the individual combat traditions of halfling wolf riders, or the hoard tactics of the fallen orc hoards.
  • Primal: Connection to the world and natural or elemental forces.  This also includes such arcane traditions as witchcraft and forms of sorcery. Druidic traditions are the most common.
  • Psychic: The power of the mind and spirit. Psychics, mediums, some monastic orders can fall in here, rather than martial.


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